On January 6 at 8:00 AM we joined other PNW teams at Auburn High School to view the live FRC game reveal of FIRST®'s 2024 season, FIRST® CRESCENDO. Soon after we understood the game requirements, we returned to Bellarmine campus to dissect the game manual. This Saturday session was dedicated to the discussion of field elements, point maximization, game strategy, and ideal autos and teleops.
On January 7 and 11:00 AM was our Community Strategy Session at Bellarmine, where we discussed more team strategy and point calculations with 2557 SOTAbots, 3393 Horns of Havoc, 3218 Panther Robotics, and 1288 RAVEN. With discussions facilitated by Design/Strategy Mentor Jake Dusek, this session was an integral opportunity to gain new perspectives on game strategy.
The Manufacturing subteam, led by Jameson C. B’25, Yvonne C. B’25, Cole W. B’24, and Charlie K. B’25, started off Build Season strong by prototyping critical robot mechanisms and strategizing with other teams. After kickoff, they immediately began creating prototypes for a two-wheel shooter to spin game elements and a dual-axle intake with polycord belts to compress notes. Despite revising the initial intake design, Manufacturing optimized the shooter by tuning wheel compression in 1⁄4 inch increments. The subteam also constructed a climber prototype, compiled electrical components for the wood bot, and installed radio and control systems.
By week’s end, Manufacturing had CNC'd plates necessary for assembling the permanent intake and shooter mechanisms on the robot. They fixed drivebase issues, strategized for maximum points and ideal autos, and kickstarted development of key robot functions—positioning themselves well for the rest of the intense season. Through dedicated prototyping and strategizing, Manufacturing successfully laid the groundwork for robot systems critical to competition.
The Programming subteam, led by Julia S. B’24 and Lauren L. B’25, started off strategizing game elements and troubleshooting software issues. After resolving vendor library and code deployment problems, they implemented autonomous paths using PathPlanner. Julia, Lauren, and their groups coded intake, shooter, and linkage subsystems with corresponding commands. At the practice field, the subteam got the robot field-oriented and configured TunerX to refine autonomous routines.
Later in the week, Programming split efforts between the lab and practice field. In the lab, they collected drivetrain characterization data and generated JSON files to develop specialized autonomous routines. At the field, the subteam straightlined longer autonomous paths and implemented FOC to improve acceleration. Through troubleshooting, subsystem coding, and autonomous development, Programming made significant progress on critical robot functions during the demanding first build week.
The Design subteam, led by Rydar J. B’24, kicked off Build Season by strategizing scoring and autonomous requirements. Rydar, Connor M. B’25, and Brad S. B’25 explored intake and shooter concepts proposed by mentors. Rydar guided development of a 4-bar shooter design and began a box intake/shooter model. Connor created a drivebase belly pan for electronics while Brad made scoring element prototypes.
Later in the week, the subteam continued refining designs. Connor added bumpers to the drivebase as Rydar tweaked the box shooter to fit over them. Brad modeled an amp scoring element while Carter W. B’26 and Ethan O. B’27 prototyped climber hooks. By week’s end, Design had modeled key mechanisms, strategized major robot functions, and prototyped components to kickstart the build process. Through collaborative strategizing and modeling, the subteam successfully developed initial robot designs during the first intense build week.
Outreach and Business
The Business and Outreach subteams, led by Sol S. B’25 and Santiago Q. B’25, completed Week 1 with much success. The team actively participated in the kickoff experience, contributing to finding the optimal auto score. Sol discovered last year’s Impact video flash drive, prompting an email back to the YMCA. Goals for the season and design discussions ensued, with the team successfully registering as awards submitters.
Proactive engagement was evident as a meeting with the YMCA representative was scheduled for Feb 2nd. The team made significant progress on small impact prompts, organized the Google Drive folder, and completed an impact outline. Along with Marie W. B’26 and Carter M. B’26, the leads edited the Impact Outline and created hyperlinks for the documentation paper. Additional tasks included editing essays, season planning, and working on social media content for an upcoming Ice Cream social event. The team's multifaceted efforts demonstrated a holistic approach to outreach during this productive week.
The Marketing subteam, led by Mac D. B'24, initiated Build Season with Claire capturing visuals during the SOTAbot strategy session. Adam A. B’27 completed the Hermanson video, and Antoinette D. B’25 worked on the REV spotlight. As the sole attendee for one session, Claire S. B’27 curated content queues, including visuals for a kickoff recap and blog post.
Subsequent sessions saw the team, guided by Mac, maintain momentum. Adam searched for videos for the Impact Award Video, Antoinette focused on button designs, and Claire progressed on the Marketing storyboard. Jojo C. B’26 contributed to button designs, and Amy S. B’27 captured video footage for later videos. The team's dedication persisted in ongoing tasks, with Antoinette on button designs, Claire on visuals, and Mac storyboarding the Impact Booklet. Jojo's emphasis on photography and Claire's dedication to storyboarding underscored their commitment to active media throughout the season.
The Scouting subteam, led by Griffin L. B'24, took a strategic approach in the initial stages of Build Season. Despite not attending kickoff, Griffin delved into game analysis by watching the game animation and studying the manual for points and penalties. Collaborating with SOTA and Panthers, the subteam worked on point estimates and initiated plans for an ideal autonomous, discussing logistics and scheduling with the programming subteam to accommodate Kaleb B. B’26 in both areas.
In a dedicated Strategy Session, the team made significant progress, creating the first draft of the 2024 drive test. Plans were set to finalize the drive test, check in with Jake, and commence the written scout test. The subteam also crafted the first draft of the scouting sheet and devised a scouting test. Collaborative brainstorming with team alum John Freeborn further enriched the strategic discussions. Griffin L. B'24 and the Scouting subteam showcased a meticulous and forward-thinking approach, setting the stage for effective scouting and analysis throughout the season.
General Management
Led by David A. B'25, General Management began Build Season with proactive organization. David handled administrative tasks, including updating the roster and transcribing the meal plan calendar. He initiated the breakdown of game manual documents and made significant progress on the Pre-Season 10-14 blog, finalizing and publishing it later. In preparation for the first general meeting, David outlined action steps for 2024, covering sustainability plans and branding concept initiatives.
General Meeting #1 addressed membership expectations and scout/drive test logistics. Collaborating with Mrs. Taylor, an interviewee list was chosen, leading to successful outreach to Alida Mendes-MacKracken, Jake Dusek, Alex Burchard, and Josh Grace. The website underwent continuous updates with a focus on gridlines and parameters. Successful interviews with Jake and Alida were key achievements. Further tasks included proofreading FIRST® Impact responses, refining website profiles, and progressing on an alumni article framework. Edits with Mr. Roush and Mrs. Taylor were addressed, culminating in the completion and publication of the Week 1 blog.
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social and Robot Reveal Once the seven-week Build Season is over, please join us Saturday February 24 from 5:00 to 9:00 PM in the Campus Center to celebrate the team’s accomplishments. All friends, family, alumni are welcome to join us for ice cream and commemorate this milestone!
End-of-the-Year Party and Desert Auction Once our Competition Season concludes, come back to the Campus Center on June 15 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM to commemorate the 2024 season. We will also host our annual desert auction to fundraise for the team!